Forwarding Mail: Winter & Spring Break, Official Leaves, Graduation and Summer
Forwarding Mail
Mail Services will automatically forward first class mail to students' permanent home addresses currently on-file with the Registrar's Office for those students that have graduated or on official leave. Mail forwarding is not possible during Winter or Spring Breaks. Mail will continue to be delivered to on-campus mailboxes during breaks. Mail received for recent graduates is forwarded for two terms.
How long does it take before I receive my forwarded mail?
Once Mail Services delivers forwarded mail to the Manhattanville Post Office, it may take a week or more to arrive.
What if I need my mail to go to a different address?
Temporary changes in address may be managed by completing the Student Mail Forwarding Form available on the Barnard Portal. On the student portal, click "view as students." Then select "Manage my campus mailbox" from the right side. Campus postal mail may be managed in the Slate for Students profile as often as needed.
What about my packages?
If your mailbox is closed for the semester, your packages will be handled according to the policies of the carrier. U.S. Postal Service (USPS) personal packages will be forwarded to U.S. addresses only if sent by first class or priority mail. Store bought merchandise received will be sent to USPS for forwarding, however, per current USPS policies, these packages will likely be returned to vendor and not forwarded to recipient. Other packages, including those from private carriers such as FedEx and UPS, are given back to the carrier and returned to sender.
Will you take requests by email or telephone?
For students who are off-campus, Mail Services accepts email requests to close or open a mailbox if they come from your Barnard email account and include a daytime phone number where we can contact you if necessary. Email requests to change forwarding addresses are not accepted nor are changes of any kind over the telephone. Please email requests to
How do I change my permanent home address?
Mail Services cannot make changes to your permanent home address. Current Barnard students must email the Registrar at or call (212) 854-2011. Alumnae should contact Alumnae Records (646) 745-8306.
Will my mail be forwarded to a foreign address?
Yes, for regular letters and cards. According to the U.S. Postal Service International Mail Manual, "Postcards and unregistered letters that do not appear to contain merchandise and do not bear a notice forbidding forwarding may be redirected to the original addressee in another country. Letters and cards are forwarded without prepayment of additional postage." Items other than letters and postcards "must be returned to the sender."
Magazines, newspapers, and campus mail?
Magazines will be forwarded to U.S. addresses only. Newspapers will not be forwarded or saved. Inter-office mail is returned to sender.
Whether staying on campus short or long-term, please complete this form to request Mail Services keep your mailbox open. This will allow you to receive mail and packages during the summer. Once you depart campus, be certain to email Mail Services to close your mailbox and forward your mail (when possible) until the start of Fall 2024 semester.